Friday, 12 August 2016

Wemos D1 mini V2

Today I show you the Wemos D1 mini, this board is based on Wi-Fi ESP-8266EX. It is suitable to create Internet of things as for example a home automation project. The Wemos D1 mini has 11 digital IO pins, 1 pin analog input and the programming is compatible with the Arduino IDE. In addition to this the Wemos board is very cheap.

I believe that I will use this board for home automation projects where the installation environment is so small that there is no place for an Arduino. I ordered the Wemos and some shield when they arrive I will let you know. Stay tuned.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Voice command for Arduino

Today I show you an automation project. The idea is to contro two lamps through voice synthesizer of google (google now) with Arduino. Google now is in all android smartphone and with an app we can control the  pins of Arduino via bluetooth. The app that I have used is "BT Voice Control for Arduino" you can find it on the Play Store. 

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Arduino case

 Today I created an Arduino case with 3D Printer,in this way I can tie the Arduino case on my arm  and do every  movements with less difficult. Thevideo show how did I made it. 

Monday, 18 July 2016

InMoov finger starter

Today I show you the beginning of an open source project that I found on  internet, the project is called InMoov ( and allows you to create a humanoid robot with the 3D printer and control it with the Arduino microcontroller. I started with the simplest thing of the project, the finger. Once I follow the instructions for mounting the finger I'm passed to the program with Arduino IDE. My purpose was to move the robotic finger with a flex sensor which analyzed the movement of my finger and replace it on robotic finger. Below you can see the end result.